I'm almost too excited to type. We just received word from David LaMotte, who just returned from a visit Chacaya in Guatemala. He has visited the beautiful village alongside Lake Atitlan several times, but this time he was surprised with the CONSTRUCTION SITE OF A NEW SCHOOL BUILDING!!! After visiting the children still meeting for school in makeshift classrooms on the lake's edge, he had a tour of the site for the new school, the new school being built by your donations, your support, and your encouragement! Here are pictures that David posted on his own blog (http://lowerdryad.wordpress.com/):
Today officially marks the halfway point of our trip. Roughly 2,000 miles down in 20 days, an equal distance and number of days to go. Another beautiful ride through the unbelievable lake-splattered landscape of western Ontario brought us to the town of Dryden, where Kate and James have blown us away with their generous hospitality (I'm talking ICE CREAM, people. ICE CREAM.)
We still stand at the halfway point of our fundraising goal; we still have $10,000 to go. That school is only half-built! I sincerely hope you will share these pictures with your friends and family; inspire them to inspire others!
These photos remind us of the reason for 12-hour days of riding, swarms of Saskatchewan mosquitoes, black bear encounters, being away from family for the summer (A quick hello-and-I-miss-you to everyone at my family's reunion!), knocking on strangers' doors for places to sleep and Eric's loss of 15 lbs since the start of the trip! And of course, what these photos portray add immensely to the beauty and meaning of Manitoba's unbelievable sunsets, British Columbia's glacial valleys, and our races with antelopes across Saskatchewan's prairies.
Half-way to our goal, a school half-built, the dreams of an entire village and two sunburned guys half-realized.
Please, keep it up, and thank you. -E
15 lbs. yowww (in my most Potter like accent). I'm sending the site onto my family in hopes that they might contribute to your goal. Part of me envies your insane ride, but most of me cannot believe how much butt you guys are kicking and how I would have retired long ago. Keep on rocking!
Felicidades!! Half-way babeeeee! Everybody is cheering for you! Did I say Everybody? I meant EVERYBODY!!! We are so proud of you both!!
-Eric's mom and dad
but wait! there's more! -- a Haiku for you:
Two guys and a school
Halfway across Canada
Biking all the way
Eric & Jason,
Y'all keep up the peddling. It is so cool to see the pictures of the school being built. What an awesome project!
We are thinking of you all the time and hoping your trip continues to be excellent.
Aunt Mary and Uncle Norman
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