Some Interesting Quotes and Statistics from Our Trip Thus Far:
{Listening to XM Kids Radio on plane from Chicago to Vancouver…}
Radio DJ: If it doesn’t need to be refrigerated, it isn’t cheese!
{Listening to XM Kids Radio on plane from Chicago to Vancouver…}
Radio DJ: If it doesn’t need to be refrigerated, it isn’t cheese!
{An old man gets out of his car at the visitor’s center on Paulson’s Summit, just north of Grand Forks, and approaches us…}
Man: You boys going on a bike trip or something?
Jason: Yep.
Man: How far are you going today?
Jason: Today our goal is to make it to New Denver.
Man: Oh, well, you are definitely not going to make it that far today. No way.
Jason: Um…yes, I think we will.
A sign on the side of a fish tank in SameSun hostel in Revelstoke:

Wildlife Report:(we have pictures of most of these animals, but have yet to remember to bring our camera to the internet cafĂ© with us, so these illustrations will have to do…)

Elk (Cervus canadensis)

Big Horn Sheep (Ovis canadensis)

{Hanging out with Jonah and Finn, the sons of Todd and Janice in Golden, BC…}
Eric: Jonah, which do you like better, dinosaurs or whales?
Jonah: Um….hmmm…uhh….[thinks for about 15 seconds]…Dinosaurs AND Whales!!!!
[Eric and Jonah were instantly best friends]
Marmot (G. Marmota)
(very common along Hwy 3, the Crowsnest Hwy)

Moose (Alces alces)
(a juvenile moose walked across the road right in front of us. About halfway across, tripped over its own legs and faceplanted into the road! It just tripped! After a few seconds, it stood up again and kept going.)

Columbian Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus columbianus)
(all over the place)

(On the climb out of Golden)

Black bear (Ursus americanus)
(we were descending to the ferry between Nakusp and Revelstoke, and this black bear was eating dandelions along the side of the road. When it saw us, it freaked out and rambled into the woods).

{A couple of pre-teen kids pass by us in Castlegar, BC on BMX bikes...}
Kid: Are you two like, PROFESSIONAL bike riders?!
Jason: Um, sure!
Both kids: WOW!!!!
Kid: Are you two like, PROFESSIONAL bike riders?!
Jason: Um, sure!
Both kids: WOW!!!!
{Hanging out with Jonah and Finn, the sons of Todd and Janice in Golden, BC…}
Eric: Jonah, which do you like better, dinosaurs or whales?
Jonah: Um….hmmm…uhh….[thinks for about 15 seconds]…Dinosaurs AND Whales!!!!
[Eric and Jonah were instantly best friends]
man, Canada sounds great! That's sweet that you saw all of those animals, especially the moose that tripped!? Nice pictures to accompany the names of the animals : )
I'm looking forward to reading more about your adventures!! Yea for Jason AND Eric!!! Go team go!!!!
Ha, that elk is awesome! And yes, dinosaurs and whales are probably equally great.
Keep up the good work! Can't wait until you get to Moose Factory.
Three cheers for Jason and Eric!!!!
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