Monday, June 16, 2008

The Race Is On

Well, when we were walking off our plane into Vancouver, Eric realized he had forgotten his bike shorts.

June 16, 9:39pm: 8 hours and counting...
Eric found some bike shorts. Preparing to go to sleep, then to wake up and do the first 94 miles of our cross-Canada cycling trip!
The first day will take us out of Vancouver, BC, following a fjord and a braided river up Frasier Valley to the small mountain town of Hope (what a name!)
We are looking at our bikes, packed with gear, and we are reflecting on the year of planning that went into this trip.

Our bikes are heavy.

Already, in our two days in the Vancouver, we have been stunned moreso by the hospitality of strangers than by the beautiful scenery. It's the people in the places, not the places themselves that make an adventure meaningful. We predict that we'll remember the people we meet and tell about the Guatemala School Project more vividly than the mountain passes we pedal over.

A reminder: 3,950 miles in 40 days. $10,000 more to reach our goal.

Wanna race?
We challenge you to spread the word and help us reach this goal before we reach the Atlantic.

On your marks..

Eric and Jason


Olson said...
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Olson said...

Eric, after traveling in the West with you for three weeks I can hardly believe you forgot your biking shorts. You are the most prepared gear guy ever. I can't wait to hear about all your adventures. Fly like the wind boys!

PS- Eric you are the second story on this month's Sewanee eNews.

Sparky said...

Bike shorts?! You forgot your bike shorts?!

I can believe it. Keep up the good fight guys.